Weddings, Baptism, and Funerals


Members at Bread of Life are encouraged to contact one of our clergy as soon as a wedding is being planned. Those who are not members of Bread of Life or another parish in the Charismatic Episcopal Church are encouraged to visit us on a Sunday, and consider becoming members of this church as they begin their lives together as husband and wife!

Bread of Life is not able to offer weddings or lease the the building to non-members.


Baptism is offered for infants and adults alike who are members of the congregation. Baptism is a covenant relationship between Christ and His church lived out within the Christian community. Adults receiving baptism, sponsors, and Godparents of children receiving baptism all make proimises to help a person live their life according to the vows of baptism. Members of the congregation also make a promise to do all they can to support this person in the life of Christ. Thus baptism is a celebration for the whole community of faith. Those interested in the sacrament of baptism who are not members of Bread of Life are invited to begin attending and to join our Christian family. For more information, please contact the priest.


Bread of Life clergy may be contacted individually if the need for a Funeral arises. Funerals and Memorials are done according to the Rites of Christian Burial included in the authorized liturgies of the Charismatic Episcopal Church.